Monday, March 28, 2011

Fun Stuff in Mexico - Nathan

Dear Mom and anyone else:

Since December 20th, I've been growing out my mustache to make myself look more Mexican. I also included a soul patch for the heck of it. It grew at an extremely slow rate, but three months can really make it pretty long. It still was pretty white, and many people didn't even notice it. To tell the truth, I hated it, but I kind of liked the soul patch. The only thing was, I didn't want to shave it because I figured it'd be the only time I could grow one and still respect myself. Every day I was tempted to just cut it off, but I told myself, there's no way I'm growing one again, so enjoy it. This morning, I'm sorry to say, I shaved it all off, and no one noticed.

When I got here, the Elder's quorum president asked for volunteers to go visit an inactive member. I knew his parents very well, so I offered to go. Pedro, my companion, went with me. We've been visiting them a couple of times, and he seemed pretty lazy to go to church. But today, he started off by asking if there was anything the prophet was saying to help us prepare for all the destruction. What a coincidence, next weekend is conference! We had a great chat about the mission and stuff (he's twenty) and he said that he was preparing to go when he suddenly got attacked by a bunch of doubts about Joseph Smith. He said that he would like to start going back to church. We're really excited about next Sunday!

The workshops are a lot of fun, if not draining on our energy. Speaking spanish rocks.

We saw Unknown last night. My companion wanted to see Sucker Punch, which I wasn't looking forward to, but they weren't showing it at our theatre. As I sat in line for the room to open up, I was really tired, and I was saying, "Man, I can't believe we're watching Sucker Punch." But then I remembered we had bought tickets for Unknown and got really excited again. My companion was so disappointed it was amazing. I really liked the movie, I thought it added a new, original dimension to movies that were similar.

We played a marriage game in FHE and the men kept on losing, until I finally won and got married!! Wooooo, first one married! I decided to marry all of the women who were already prepared to get married. I ended up with four wives who were embarrassed by me :P


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