Monday, December 20, 2010

Jared 12/20/10

你好!今天好吗?我的姐姐应该看这个。 我爱你们 :)

Well I have a letter back in my room that I will respond to later, (or at least I will try :P ) but right now I think i'll just let you know what's up here :)
We currently have 5 investigators (all teachers and students that act out) It's pretty hectic to try and keep track of everything, but it's really amazing to feel God helping you teach, and help the investigators. Even if they are merely acting the Spirit still testifies through us, and it's great.
Thank you so much for my package! All those presents! And the tree is soo cool! My companion already had a mini string of lights, so we decorated our mini tree and put all of our presents under it, it's quite homely in our little room. We have little homemade snowflakes hanging up, and actually a 3D Christmas tree made out of paper to go with the other one you guys sent. Pretty funny actually, we made the cardboard Christmas tree, and even a little cardboard angel Moroni to go on the top! hahaha

Oh you know what was super cool?! Yesterday we had a speaker right? (We have a speaker every week) But yesterday we had a guy continually quoting different journal entries, and letters and such recounting the experience of Joseph Smith's matyrdom. And it was really cool to hear of all the corruption, and it went really in depth from the point of view of guess who?
Willard Richards! Our ancestor! I've never felt so priviledged that I have the blood of that great man running through my veins, and that my middle name shares his. It that was a great fireside last night :)

Well umm we had some unfortunate happenings this last week... Elder Christensen went home. He was my roomate, and in our district. It really strengthened my testimony to see the love that the whole district gave to him. It was such a shock that he went home, but I honestly think those couple days where we discussed things with him were the most spiritual, and testimony building experiences I've had here. That this church is Christ's chruch. Thomas Monson is a prophet of God, he with his councellors individually called each of the wonderful missionaries here. They put us in the districts and companionships that will best help us. I know that God wants each of us to rejoin him after this life, and if we but trust and love him, everything else in life will just come naturally. Feng耶稣基督的名,阿门

1 comment:

  1. I love reading these! It's so refreshing! Glad he's having a good experience.
