Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Jared 7-12

Hello Family!
First responding to everyones comments:
Of course I'm having fun! Everything out here in Taiwan is just amazing. Its like you know how life supposedly goes through phases? Like you have the honeymoon phase, then the hate everything phase, then the okay grin and bear it phase, then the endure to the end and make the best. Ever heard that? (We heard it about 3 times in the Missionary Training Center) Well I'm not really sure what happened to my mission experience because I either just skipped the bad parts and went straight to the endure to the end, or I'm just stuck in Honeymoon phase. Either way I love it!
You all are getting a beach condo?! That's so fun. Gongxi fazai :) (congratulations)
Haha Natalie asked me what my goals for my mission are, and well Natalie I have about a million goals... I have a goal for every aspect of my life divided into daily weekly monthly and Mission goals. I can tell you that my ultimate goal is to "invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ through Faith in the Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, BAPTISM, gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end." (Missionary purpose) I strive to have everything I do help with that purpose.
I had a cookie a couple months ago. (Taiwanese) and 4 months ago (chocolate chip)
Congratulations on getting the blue car Natalie!
Every morning during personal study I always spend some time reading the Book of Mormon, most times I also read other scriptures, often study for the benefit of our investigators.
How is Nathan affording all these cool adventures? And can I go on some with him later?
Well things here in Taiwan Huwei are amazing. We're seeing a lot of miracles. One thing I learned recently is how weak man is. We as humans are weak. Almost everyone is captivated by something, that we personally cannot break from. We are weak. We need our Father in Heaven, you need your Heavenly Father. Fall to your knees and plead with him. Plead to have strength, plead to have power, plead for forgiveness. You are weak, but He is strong. Put an end to your pride and plead with your Father in Heaven with full purpose of heart, and it will be given you.
I love you.
-Elder Tate
Tang zhanglao

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Jared 6-6

Hello Family!
Mom you should know far better by now to think that the painting people would actually be finished anytime when they said they would be. For example, you had 2 sons that said they would take off the paint of your banister, and well, we're still working on that one. :P
Haha yes mother I could imagine that exactly how Heavenly Father thinks sometimes. Of course He would be more than willing to go on a walk with you at 6 in the morning, without any kind of complaining :)
Good for Natalie, and he choir program, how was her little party? And why dis the girls party go till midnight? Everyone knows the Holy Ghost goes to bed at 11! That's so fun that Miranda got to have a big party like that, did she have fun? Miranda did you have fun?
And of course everyone had fun playing with my old toys, did they go crazy on the little wobbler?
I wish the best of luck to the Weylands, I will definitely include them in my prayers, and if all else fails, Taiwanese realestate is actually quite a good deal, especially if you're looking for a hut on a mountain ;)
Everything here is doing amazingly. Elder Boyer and I have really been working hard. We've been focussing on working with the members in our ward a lot more, and as a result members this week have provided 17 friends and family members that missionaries will be contacting and sharing the gospel with. Our recent convert Liu2 Yuan2 Ji2 has really become active in missionary work. He almost everyday accompanies our lessons, and he's brought a number of investigators to church. It really is a blessing to see the gospel work through the hands of ordinary members. Mom I would testify to you that the best way to help your friend is to help her be active in God's church. (is she a member? I don't think so...) help her to be baptized, and watch as the Lord fulfills His promise being born again, and eventually spotless before the Father at the last day. I love this church, I love this Gospel. It brings people purpose, it brings people hope, but best of all, this Gospel brings people salvation.
I love you,
Elder Tate
Tang zhi qin zhanglao

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Jared goes to Costco

Guess what I did today?! I went to Cosco! It was awesome. Is there a cosco by our house? Yeah sure, it was only like an hour bike ride there, then another hour back. but it was amazing! We ate pizza! (We never eat pizza) and I bought cosco muffins and a giant thing of chocolate milk, and my companion bought some brownie mix! its amazing... My companion has a membership card, and we all spent at least 500 kuai each. But it was so worth it :)
Our investigators are really good. We have a lot of people looking to be baptized on the day right before move call (move call is when some people change locations, and most likely I'll be moving next move call). Let me tell you about them:

You dixiong and his girlfriend zhang jiemei. Unfortunately these 2 live together, but they graduate from college on the 11th, and hoping they will get baptized and confirmed on the 18th right before going home.

Yang dixiong - he's a member referall from an inactive family that is coming back. He personally has a pretty sad past, with a job that overworks him. He has a strong desire to repent and be baptized, and is in the process of quiting smoking.

Guo bao yuan dixiong- I know I'm not supposed to play favorites, but if I were forced to.... it'd probably be him. He is a ten year old boy that self contacted us, rode his bike a half hour for our first meeting, has befriended everyone in his primary class, goes to a ton of other activities, but best of all, he wants to grow up to be a samurai warrior! It is so much fun spending time with him. :)

Then a handful of others that we are hoping will hit their goals for being baptized while I'm still here in the blessed land of taiping.
Elder Boyer and I are working hard and really seeing th blessings from it. Again we had 6 investigators attend church, it is such a blessing to see the fruits of your labor, but I know this is all the Lord's work. Lately we've received a lot of training on working with the ward, and honestly it is paying off. 4 of the six investigators this week we personally brought, or otherwised taken care of by the ward. Our ward is really doing some amazing things lately, I've seen a number of less actives come back to church, and our 10 year old bao yuan investigator has been taken under the wing of an amazing family in the ward. I realized that what the Lord asks of the members of the church is not to just occassionally accompany the missionaries lessons, or help them when they are at church, but he expects the members to incorporate these people into their lives. I've really seen how much of a difference it makes when members sacrifice, and imply these brothers and sisters in their lives. I know that as you, my friends and family back at home really sacrifice for the missionaries, and more importantly for their investigators you will see the work back in wards start to explode, and really see the Lord watching over your personal lives as well. So, would you all be willing to make sacrifices and do something different for the missionaries, and they're investigators?
I love you. I know that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ lives. 2 thousand years ago he died on the Cross, 3 days later he resurrected and about 1800 years after that he once again came down to Earth, and appeared to a young man looking for truth. This is the greatest message in the world, Share IT!
Elder Tate
Tang Zhanglao

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Jared May 2011

Wan an!
I'm in Taiwan! Have you ever been like in a place you've been for awhile and then look at it again and think like "... what in the world?" Yeah that's like my every month or so. It's like I'm talking to an investigator or something and half way through, or right after it will hit me that I just had a full conversation in Chinese. Sometimes people will ask me what just happened in that conversation, or ask about a word I said, and often I have no idea, it's just the Spirit understood what was going on and I am blessed to always have the Holy Ghost with me.
I'm a little curious about this birthday party thing. Are people allowed to wish Natalie happy birthday at Miranda's party? Or is Natalie even invited to Miranda's birthday party? :P
I do not understand your healthy habits thing. You can get 10 a day, then 2 at the end of the week for no chips and one for every 30 seconds off your mile. That means that Nathan had a perfect day everyday, didn't have chips, and thats a total of 72. So he also took 3 minutes off his mile?! Wow no wonder he is beating everyone.
I'd be interested to know the full rules, and what number I would start at. Because I automatically drink a ton of water, and work out daily. We don't have enough money for treats or chips, so just buy some fruit and I win! :D
Well Family! I love you! Everything in Taiping is amazing. We had the most investigators I've had a church this week (actually tired with another week) with 6. Our friend Zhao dixiong (The man that could really change his life by coming unto Christ) has expressed a few times that he doesn't really want to be baptized, nor give up his 2-3 packs of Cigarrettes a day, and we aren't sure how much longer we will be working with him. Then we also have, You dixiong, who for the past couple weeks has brought his girlfriend with him everytime, and we discovered they actually live together (they're only 22). And he also doesn't want to give up another addiction. Then I've also seen investigators like liu dixiong who instantly gave up his tea, coffee, alchohol, binlang and smoking in a matter of days. That really testifies to me that some things the Lord asks are not easy. Satan's grasp can almost seem inescapable. But once you personally decide what to do, you just have to do it. If you choose the Lord's way he will help you accomplish it, you just first have to decided to do it. I know that God gave us our agency so that we can choose, and learn and progress, and he is excited to help us choose right.
I love you all!
-Elder Tate
tang zhanglao

Monday, May 16, 2011

Taiwanese Rain

Hello Family!
That's great about your writing Mom. I think you should always be enjoying it. Whether it's work or not you should definitely be enjoying what you're doing. One thing I've learned out here is they don't always have to be separate. In fact, they should be put together. Missionary work, especially out here, is hard work. It's very tiring, and very draining, it's quite frankly, work. But it's fun. For example the other day it started raining. But don't worry, it wasn't just a slight drissle. It was Raining. But don't worry, I forgot my raincoat. All of my tracts and everything I had with me (except my scriptures and what not which was safe in the box attached to my bike) was almost completely ruined, but I can tell you right now, looking back that was the funnest day last week. Riding around still talking to everyone, everyone complaining about the rain (Taiwanese people hate the rain) and we were just riding around soaking wet having the time of our life. Anything is fun when you have the right attitude :D
Good for Natalie's choir! That's amazing! I had a lot of friends in choir, and they never won state or anything good for you Natalie!
And mom I don't if this changed while I was gone, but you don't have any convertibles, and you still cram more than you need to in your little car :P
This last week we met a very interesting investigator. His name is zhao, and he doesn't have a job. For the last 8 months or so his dad has been paying for his livelihood, paying for his little tiny apartment, paying for the little amount of food he eats, and paying for his about 40 to 50 ciggarettes a day. He lives a life in solitude. No friends, not much contact with his family, no mode of transportation, just him in his little appartment and 2 baby chickens he jst recently bought. We've been working with him, and we got him a nice white shirt, a tie, and a ride to church. He loves chruch, read first Nehpi on the first day we gave him a Book of Mormon. He's already starting to change a lot, and I'm excited to see what kind of instrument the Lord will turn him into. I know that regardless of our past mistakes, regardless of how lost, or poor we are, the Lord will always be there. He is always standing with his arm stretched out to help us. I love Him for that.
I love you!
-Elder Tate
tang zhanglao

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Jared 4-18

Hello Family!
Happy burn money and make loud noises day! hahaha, today is a Chinese God's birthday (I assume) so everyone's outside burning they're money for the ancestors and blowing firecrackers! It was really quite the hoot the first couple times they did it (it's a God's birthday at least once a week), but today it seems just a little bit louder than normal :P
Answer some questions:
Favorite Mormon movie is The Testaments.
My Trainer was always impressed by my Chinese, but honestly my first couple days I really didn't understand too much. Just because the accents different here, and well it's Chinese :P Now I am no where near fluent, but I am dilligently working to speak as the natives do :)
My Favorite Hymn is Lead Kindly Light. (I believe Hymn #69)
Natalie I am not able to tell you what you should do when it comes to having a zero period, or taking summer classes. I personally wish I had done summer classes, and zero period.
Miranda I'm sure you can handle church, a job, drama and school. One thing I've learned on my mission is that there is time to do anything. But you really have to think about priorities. What's most important, and are you willing to sacrifice for that?
Taiwanese people don't really like really sweet things, and I'm too poor to buy candy. Easter came and went, nothing too big.
Yes I keep a Journal.
Sorry Mom, I still don't know what's going on for Mother's day. I don't know how or when I'll call you. It'll probably not be the most convienant time for you, but I'll let you know next week :)
Thank you everyone for you love and support. I would really like some more pictures though. I'm pretty sure you can send it though email (Nathan sent some earlier) but I'd really love it if you sent me some hard copies too.
I love you all. I'd like to close with my testimony, that everything is really in the Lord's hands. This last week we've kind of been struggling finding willing people, and helping them progress to baptism. We do everything we can in this life, and when it comes down to it rely on the Lordto fill in the gaps. I know that our Savior Lord Jesus Christ is waiting with his hand outstreatched to help us fill in our gaps, he is waiting for us to plead for his help. In 1820 a 14 year old boy did plead help and as result God's true church is back on Earth. I am incredibly grateful for the faith of that boy. I love you all, and I love this Church.
-Elder Tate
Tang zhanglao

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Jared 4-11

Everything in Taiwan is amazing! We watched conference this weekend and that was super fun. Lots of sitting down this weekend, and then today we went to another all you can eat place.... but that's okay, I was healthy last week :) Actually my companion and I have been trying to eat healthier because we're in a part of town that has a lot of really cheap all you can eat rice places. And well let's just say that I haven't lost my MTC weight yet... and we're going to really start our diet on Wednesday because tomorrow we're going to another really nice sit down place. Taiwan is just amazing.
Did you all do anything fun for spring break? Besides build stuff, and putting off losing weight :P
One of the members in my ward (my companion's new member) found your blog, and reads my emails home, it's funny how much Missionaries are loved here.
Our investigator Liu dixiong got baptized on Saturday, he's so golden it's amazing. He loved general conference, and is excited to be confirmed next sunday. It's amazing how much faith these people have here. We are working with some golden people. Duan dixiong is amazing , we've been trying to work around his work a lot, but if everything goes as planned, this saturday he will be baptized and he definitely has the faith to take upon himself this amazing covenant. And our college friend Wang dixiong just passed his baptismal interview but he disappeared on Sunday, but he's good. He'll be baptised next sunday.
I don't know if you remember, but I'd really appreciate some pictures of you all :)
I love it here. I love the people, I love the work. My companion is on his last 4 weeks of his mission, and it really makes me think about who I want I want be, and how I want change while I'm here, and I know that through the Lord I can become whatever he asks of me, and I'm excited to change. As general conference said I plan on being the one who the Lord can rely on. I love you all. You are the one I can rely on. I love you all, I would like pictures of you :)
-Elder Tate
Tang zhanglao.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Jared, 4-4

Okay, I have to admit that I find the difference between Jared's letters and Nathan's pretty funny. K

Hello Family!
Good to hear from you all :)  I like to start by responding to other emails first so...
There's new things everyday, nothing that'd you all would be too interested in, but the rules of our mission are going through some new changes with the new president.
Concerning conference we actually have not watched it yet.  We will have an opportunity this weekend, but we are postponed a week so they can translate it into Chinese.  We'll still watch it in English, but just in a room of our chapel while our investigators watch the Chinese one.  So as of right now I don't have a favorite :P
Our stake is all of Taichung.  If you'd like to look up the population, it's pretty big.  To help you understand the activity here: there are about 700 members in our ward, 120 that come actively. 
My life really isn't like the best two years because well, I speak Chinese. :P
Whenever I get discouraged I just take a second and look at myself.  Ask myself why am I discouraged.  Most of the time it is because I want the gratification of people willing to meet, or I want my senior companion to say I did a good job in the lesson, or some other prideful desire.  In reality I am doing the Lord's work.  If I don't have the Holy Spirit with me I can accomplish nothing.  If I am frustrated I will not have the Spirit, and therefore I am wasting my breathe.  So at times I am frustrated, I remember my blessings, what I've been taught and try a new technique.  And sometimes just for fun I'll start off by talking to someone by saying Shengri kuaile (Which means happy birthday)
My favorite seminary teacher was brother faustead.... the bald guy... I forgot his name :/
Preparation days are Monday, and yeah we are still really busy.
Weather is cold lately, and really windy.  and there is a permenant smog over the city :)
I'm back to a normal companionship of two.
Mom you were talking about being old, but back in America, especially for grandma being old is a good life.  Here in Taiwan, old people are forgotten.  We've sat down with many old bei bei's that really just wanted someone to talk to.  They are adorable.  Old Asian are amazing, especially when you have to try and speak taiwanese with them.
Everything in Taiwan is amazing.  Our new members are still active, Bai dixiong is such a kid.  He's 30 years old, and plays video games all day; He also thinks church is boring and I'm 99% convinced he only comes because he knows he should, and if he didn't his wife would be disappointed.  Just like any priest aged boy right?
Our investigator Liu dixiong just passed his baptismal interview and he's being baptised on Saturday, and he's great.
I love being here.  I know this work is true.  I've been learning a lot lately, especially on leadership.  My Senior has really taught me a lot about listening to the council of leaders.  And I've learned to just accept council from your leaders, from my zone leaders, Mission president, Prophet and especially from God.  Accept the council you are given, don't ask questions, don't doubt, accept that they are called from God and do it.  I love our leaders.  I'm excited to here from the prophet.  I love you all.
-Elder Tate
Tang zhanglao

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Nathan in Mexico

Mom, family, and friends:

I really enjoyed conference, and all the welfare stuff made me excited about what I'm doing here and what I hope to be involved in my entire life. One of the things I really liked was the story of the guy who gave up his coat to the newborn baby. I was really impressed that giving to the poor and needy is not something we do when it's convenient, but it requires real sacrifice. I've said to myself that I can't just give money to everyone I see on the streets here, because my money will soon run out. But during the talks, I thought of how careless I was with my money, most particularly how I eat out so often and how I want an expensive phone when I get back to the states, and I thought of how I should be less frivolous in that area so that I can dedicate a greater part of my income to the poor. I decided not to buy the phone, and I'm reconsidering my need for a car.

I had a funny and interesting experience. Friday night we had people over for the first time during my stay. We watched a movie, burned popcorn, and made nestle cookies. It was really fun. This Sunday was the second time I had people over, but it wasn't something I had planned for, so I was unprepared for how much of a disaster it was going to be.

I was at church right after this morning's general conference. I was kind of hoping someone would invite me to their house for lunch, but when nobody really seemed to notice, I decided to invite people over to my house. So I invited these girls over, and they were excited. Two of them had been there on Friday, but one hadn't seen the place. It was improvised, so I had no idea how much of a problem I would have.

We got home, and my companion had stayed home to watch conference on the computer instead of watching it at church. We made jokes about how we may show up to find him naked. Turns out we show up and he was naked! Luckily, I warned him to hide in his room before we came in. Then I realized that there was a bunch of trash by the door. The trash people only come by on a certain schedule, so if we're not home when they call, we can't get it to them. There were four bags by the door. I quickly put them into my room.

The next problem was simple laziness. The burnt popcorn was still on the table from Friday. Friday night it was so late we didn't feel like cleaning up, and Saturday I was at church all day, so I didn't really notice the popcorn. It was pretty embarrassing when they noticed it was still there. Next problem is that there's no water except early in the morning and late in the evening. Again, if we're not around when the water is, the dishes don't get washed. It had been a couple of days when we didn't get around to it, so the sink was full.

Cooking without water is a challenge, plus the three girls were from different parts of the world, and I as well, that we all had different techniques of cooking spaghetti. Luckily, my companion keeps a pitcher of water just in case, and we were able to cook the pasta. We used a half empty bottle of water that was on the table from my breakfast to wash our hands, and one of the girls had a bottle of water to drink for the meal. We used mustard and pepper to make the meat, and some pasta sauce for the pasta. Of course, we had just run out of napkins, and we couldn't wash our face with water, so we told a lot of jokes about washing our faces with each other's clothing. All in all, it was a fun experience which just shows a few of the problems we have here in Mexico.

I would suggest not going to see Sucker Punch. It's about a bunch of girls who get put in a mental asylum and are treated like whores. The movie is supposed to be how this girl rises up and conquers her weaknesses, supporting woman independence, but it seemed kind of contradictory when they're shown as sexy half-naked gun wielding every guy's fantasy type of women. It wasn't very uplifting and, from what I hear, the ending was very disappointing and depressing. I didn't see the ending because I left when I felt I had seen enough.

But I did see Shrek 4, which was very happy and uplifting. I especially liked the fat cat (he's one of my favorite characters).

We finished another workshop, and we only have one more class in another. In a week and a half we're done with all our workshops, and in three weeks we'll be back in the states. It's kind of scary, and everyone is acting disappointed. If you ever want a boost in your self-esteem, tell everyone you're going far away, and everyone will just shower you with praises :D.

I had a job interview last Friday for a programming position in BYU. I have a few others set up for when I get into the states. My old boss in the Computer Science department is begging me to come back, so I hope to be able to get 40 hours a week for the first two months.

I love you all,
Diego Tate

On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 7:55 PM, k tate wrote:
Haooy conference weekend. Did you get to listen to conference? If so, how? Where? If you heard the talk by Elder Cook, then you heard the story about Miranda and her lost purse. Pretty cool, huh? I'm almost 50 and no one ever has, or most likely, never will, talk about me in general conference.
We're at the start of spring break and I don't see anything out of the ordinary on our radar. Dad has work. Miranda has two days she plans on spending doing drama type stuff. We're very boring. I keep trying of things to do that would make me less boring, but I keep coming up empty.
I heard in a conference talk that we should go to the temple with a question and have the faith to know that we'll recieve an answer. So I went to the temple fasting and asked if I should keep trying to publish traditionally or if I should self publish and I got the definate answer that I should clean my house. That wasn't what I was looking for, but after a few hours of housework I did feel better about my house and myself.
You'll be sad to hear the Tennisons are moving to Utah in a couple of weeks. They'll be missed.
Grandma fell and hurt her knee so she's not getting around much. It must be rough to be old and fragile.
There seemed to be an overriding theme in conference about the welfare program, which made me think that maybe our economic woes aren't nearing an end. I hadn't realized that the church welfare program is the modern day law of consecration.
I'm not sure what else to tell you. We miss you. The house is emptier than ever...I'll have to think of something that you'll find interesting to do so that next week I'll have something to say.
Much love,

Monday, March 28, 2011

Jared 3-14

Hello Family!
no problem about last week I enjoyed getting 2 letters this week :) So do you have to send the letters before 7:30 am? or is that at night?
Life is great here in Taiwan! Sometimes I forget that I'm in Taiwan, and I'll have little shocks... It's really good fun :)
I've heard about the earthquake, and the tsunami that went along with it, and apparently the east side of Taiwan got hit really bad, but that actually isn't part of our mission. That is the Taibei mission actually, so has had no effect here in Taizhong. But yeah Brandon must be having the time of his life... I know here in Taiwan all the missionaries love Typhoons and other natural disasters. I know it sounds horrible, but it's a great opportunity to serve the people that we love, and it's a good humbling experience for these people, and well it's really just a lot of fun I guess :P Unfortunately here in Taiping (the suburb of Taizhong that I'm serving) we don't really get typhoons.
Everything here is amazing, the people are so prepared it's great :)
Our main focus right now is the Bai family, Bai dixiong and his wife li jiemei. They are doing amazing. They passed their baptismal interview on saturday, and they are just so amazing. Li jiemei has no problems, she loves the Book of Mormon, and reads it everyday probably more than we do. Bai dixiong has been having a tough time quiting smoking. He's stopped now, but it's obvious that this week building up to his baptism are going to be rough, Satan will really work to tear down everything he's built up, but we know that Bai dixiong can easily overcome that. And luckily he has great support of 2 missionaries devoting all they're time for him, a wife that won't let anything postpone her baptism, and a loving heavenly father to support him in his efforts.
Our next big man is Duan dixiong. His family used to meet with us, but the daughter didn't really have interest, and the son came upon some anti Mormon literature and now he thinks baptism is too fast... But Duan dixiong is amazing. He also is quiting smoking, and he seems to be having an easier time. Yesterday his last pack ran out, and so today he should be completely clean. We still have to follow up on that, but he's great :)
Other people come and go, and we meet tons each day, it's really a lot of fun. Yesterday we sat down with a brother who is actually a drunk. Him and his wife straight up asked us what things does he have to do to change, and we simply told them read, pray, come to church, and obey the commandments of God, and his life will turn around. I'm excited to see the Atonement of our Savoir Jesus Christ work miracles with him. And we're sure when it does his wife too will have her hearten softened.
It's great here. I love it. I love you all back home, and I'm greatful for all the prayers you offer for me. You have always been a great example for me, and looking back you are such a blessing to the missionaries in your ward. So in missionary work we take a lot of numbers, to keep track of progress and whatnot, and one number is the number of nonmembers who came to church. I was laughing to myself one day when I thought about my farewell talk. That day the missionaries numbers must have skyrocketed with like 20 nonmembers at church :P Fun fact, I know has no real relevance :P I would actually really like to know, what things are you doing to help the missionaries in your ward? Besides feeding them, what amazing blessings have they received because of you?
-Elder Tate
Tang Zhanglao

Fun Stuff in Mexico - Nathan

Dear Mom and anyone else:

Since December 20th, I've been growing out my mustache to make myself look more Mexican. I also included a soul patch for the heck of it. It grew at an extremely slow rate, but three months can really make it pretty long. It still was pretty white, and many people didn't even notice it. To tell the truth, I hated it, but I kind of liked the soul patch. The only thing was, I didn't want to shave it because I figured it'd be the only time I could grow one and still respect myself. Every day I was tempted to just cut it off, but I told myself, there's no way I'm growing one again, so enjoy it. This morning, I'm sorry to say, I shaved it all off, and no one noticed.

When I got here, the Elder's quorum president asked for volunteers to go visit an inactive member. I knew his parents very well, so I offered to go. Pedro, my companion, went with me. We've been visiting them a couple of times, and he seemed pretty lazy to go to church. But today, he started off by asking if there was anything the prophet was saying to help us prepare for all the destruction. What a coincidence, next weekend is conference! We had a great chat about the mission and stuff (he's twenty) and he said that he was preparing to go when he suddenly got attacked by a bunch of doubts about Joseph Smith. He said that he would like to start going back to church. We're really excited about next Sunday!

The workshops are a lot of fun, if not draining on our energy. Speaking spanish rocks.

We saw Unknown last night. My companion wanted to see Sucker Punch, which I wasn't looking forward to, but they weren't showing it at our theatre. As I sat in line for the room to open up, I was really tired, and I was saying, "Man, I can't believe we're watching Sucker Punch." But then I remembered we had bought tickets for Unknown and got really excited again. My companion was so disappointed it was amazing. I really liked the movie, I thought it added a new, original dimension to movies that were similar.

We played a marriage game in FHE and the men kept on losing, until I finally won and got married!! Wooooo, first one married! I decided to marry all of the women who were already prepared to get married. I ended up with four wives who were embarrassed by me :P


Jared 3-28

Hello Family!
It's good to hear from you! And that you all got to hang out with Bethany and Brandon. How's Chandler doing? Does he still remember me?
Have I told you about the garbage trucks here in Taiwan? They're fun, they play the same music every morning during personal study, it's good fun. Sometimes we also hear them play Bethooven, that's always a treat :)
This week has been good. I never thought I'd say this, but it's cold here. It gets pretty chilly, and it rains. It's so fun! Last night was one of the coldest wettest days on my mission, and it was such a blessing. We've found that only the really prepared souls go outside in the rain, so lot's of people were really willing :)
We also got to spend some time in the mountains yesterday! One of our investigators, Liu dixiong lives up there and we finally got to meet his son, and drop off The Family Proclamation to the world. Then spent some proselyting time up in the mountains.
I'm officially on my second move call now! I'm still with my same companion (Elder Johnson) in my same area (Taiping), but it's exciting because all the new elders came in, and I'm no longer the youngest on island!
Oh and when the new elders came in I got to go do Dan Jones with them! (Dan jones is the activity we did on our first night on island, standing on the soap box in the super crowed area) And this time I got to be "one of the older guys," it was such a different experience this time. It was still just a dream, but it was weird... I seriously was completely blessed with the gift of tongues for that night. I felt like I was speaking perfect Chinese and I understood everything that was going on, so that I could help this new Elder who just got on island learn how to contact. And then when we got back to our area I started speaking my broken Chinese again... But it was fun for that night :P
I can testify to you that the gift of the Holy Ghost is real. The gifts of the Spirit are real, through the Holy Ghost we can really know the truth of all things. Because Joseph Smith restored the Gospel of Jesus Christ we can always have the Ghost with us as a constant companion. Pray to have it's guidance and it will guide you. I love you all!
-Elder Tate
Tang zhanglao

On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 4:34 AM, k tate wrote:

Hola Nathan and Jared,

we had Bethany, Brandon and boys at our house this week so everything was wild, noisy and fun. Brandon spent most of his time driving around to interviews, so he was in and out, but the rest of us here were in party mode. We only played 3 games of Settlers and Dad won all of them. (He has much more practice.)

Bethany and I built a bed. Dad helped. It's huge - the head board is close to 6 feet high. It's in Natalie's room and she's not very happy about it. "Don't try and make me tell you that I like it," is a direct quote. Her bed and box spring used to sit on the floor and she said she liked being lower than the lamps on her night stands. Now, lying down, she's much higher.

My big news is I bought an I-pad. I went to the Apple store and they told me I had to wait in line at six in the morning with the other 200 people who line up every morning, but then I got an e-mail, an annoynomous tip from a friend's son who works there who told me when they were getting a shipment, how to get into the mall, and to be there by 4 am. I really didn't think I'd go, but Friday morning I happened to be awake at 3:30, so I went to the mall, got in through the food court, and settled down in front of the Apple store in two big, soft chairs that pulled together. It was sort of surreal. The lights were dim, strange music was playing, I sat and read. Around 5 people came running in and I think they were surprised to see me. They'd been outside standing in the rain and the security guard let them in. I'm sure they thought they'd be first in line (but oh no, that was me.) Everyone around me was talking about all the nifty things the Ipad could do and I felt like a faker because I don't know very much about computers or IPAds, but I really want one because it has 12 hours of battery, it's amazinglly compact and light, and it will be great for writing. It also never deletes anything, everything you write is automatically saved immediately, so never again will I lose any of my writing. I'm also jazzed about downloading books... although it's sort of dangerous that I can now have the books I want immediately, no more reserving them at the library and waiting weeks, or hunting for them at the stores. I'm sure I still haven't learned everything my new wonder toy can do and perhaps I never will, but I'm very excited about it.

The Barnettes left this morning. We're hoping they'll be back and that Brandon will take a job around here. We don't know what will become of Adam and we pray that he'll find a job. One man told Brandon that where and how he choses to practice is more important than who he marries. Brandon and I decided that that statement says a lot about him and not that much about working. How you support your family and contribute to the world is important, but not as important as your family.

I've been thinking about life changes, how when I was at my dad's I was comfortable, I knew it well. When I went running every morning, I knew all the streets. I knew exactly where I was because it used to be where I belonged, but it's not where I belong anymore. I belong with Dad and the girls (or whomever happens to be in our home.)And it's the same with Bethany. She knows Rancho, it used to be her home, she used to belong here, but now she belongs with Brandon and her family. I guess the trick is to find the best place for us to be at the different stages of our lives and make the very best use of our time and circumstances. Jared should be the best missionary he can be, Nathan should do the best he can at his internship, etc.

Today in ward conference President Brennan had brothers Clyne, Tennison, Giar, Brokaw, Cruise, Miahara, get up and give their testimonies about how joining the church was the best decision they ever made. It was pretty powerful and it made me think of all the people you're teaching and how you might be introducing them to what could be their best decision.

I love you and miss you. I hope you're making your best decisions everyday.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

March 2011 Family letter

Dear Family, (including, but not limited to Jared and Nathan who are so far away)

Happy March madness. We’re as mad, happy, etc, as we last were. We’re amazingly boring.

Adam is winding down. Law review, moot court, etc. in a little more than a month law school will be a happy memory. He’s hoping to get a clerkship, working for a federal (or state) judge.

Bethany, Brandon and boys are coming for two weeks . Technically, they’re coming so that Brandon can interview for jobs (he’ll be a real live chiropractor soon) but, we’re polishing our party hats and setting up the game boards.

We wish Nathan (and Adam and Jared) could join us, but Nathan’s still in Mexico. He’s still alive, and from what little we hear, he seems happy, well adjusted, but stinky… I seem to remember a snaffoo with his shower. He's working with the church's employment center and teaches workshops that help people begin businesses. He loves teaching and at his last class he had 140 attend.

Jared’s letters are a heady dose of enthusiasm. It’d be awesome to be as excited about life as Jared. He loves his mission. They do little tracting and do most of their contacts on the streets. He has yet to be hit by a car, which proves that miracles really do happen.

Miranda and Natalie just finished roadshow. There’s a possibility that this was our very last… wouldn’t that be awesome? Sad, of course, for those who loved it…

Larry goes to work. For someone who hates talking on the phone, he’s doing a great job as executive secretary. He doesn’t hang up on people or do anything remotely rude, although I suppose at times he is tempted.

I love, love, love being the primary pianist and I hope I get to keep the bench for life. Last week Isaac broke Ben’s nose and this week Isaac sang operatic in senior primary. Stuff like that never happens in Relief Society. A few weeks ago my piano bench was wobbly and the primary president, who had been sitting on it, complained. So, I flipped it over, tightened the screws and thought, this is about as intellectually challenging as this calling gets. I do other things besides play the piano. I run, I clean stuff, I get jealous. My critique partner’s book came out last week. A guy I met at a writer’s conference a couple of years ago just came out with his second. Another friend sold her book; another has her book being read by an editor with a major publisher. But, none of that matters because, hey, my kitchen’s clean. And I’ve finally lost all that weight I gained when I was relief society president and what else matters? (Joking, there’s plenty that matters, like getting this letter mailed tonight so that Jared will have something to read 2 am our time.)

Much love,


Jared 3-6-11

It's pretty amazing being a missionary, right now I'm in an internet cafe, where one of our friends work, so this is free. And afterwards I'll get my haircut by an inactive... for free. Yeah it's a sweet life.
So this last week has been pretty interesting. My trainer went to a leadership training meeting on Tuesday, so for most of that day I went on exchanges with an Elder Evans, and we stayed in my area. So effectively for that entire day I was the senior companion, and was incharge of making sure we got to where we needed to be. Well needless to say, we got lost a few times, but that's okay because we still did amazingly that day, and at the end we found our way back to my trainer and life continued on as usual.
Well almost usual, the very next day we saw quite the miracle: It was around lunch time, and we were looking for a place to eat. We saw a great little place, good prices, pretty clean, and just alround nice little place to stop for lunch, but for some reason we decided not to eat there. No real big reason, just not too appealing (I think they might have offered Karoke). So we continued on and saw a place that I had been to just the day before. Last time the boss gave me free soup, and helped me figure out the map so I suggested we go there for lunch again. While there my chinese was barely understandable (as usual) and a nice sister helped me out, and taught how to properly say it. We started talking (the three of us, my trainer included) and she ended up sitting down and eating lunch with us, we ended up teaching her about the message of the restoration, and she loved it. On the spot believes Joseph Smith is a prophet of her Eternal Father. Super prepared daughter of God, who randomly decided she wanted to sit down for lunch with some white guys, is now being taught by the sister missionaries, and I'm excited to hear how well she progresses. Oh yeah, and the next day we tried to eat there again, and we couldn't find it. We think it's closed now. It just goes to show that if you are doing everything you are supposed to be doing, if you are worthy, obedient, and dilligent the Lord will put people in your path, you will be at the right place at the right time, and not entirely know how you got there. What a blessing it is to sieze such opportunities.

-Elder Tate
Tang zhanglao

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Jared 2-28

The language is abosolutely amazing, I love it. It's kind of weird tho, I thought that once I got to Taiwan all I would speak is Chinese. I figured my trainer would pretty much only speak chinese except in rare situations, but in reality, the majority of my time is spent in English. It's kind of a bummer, because by the end of my MTC experience I was almost completely in Chinese, and my Chinese was skyrocketing. Now it's at a little of a standstill, but I'm sure I'll go back to only Chinese when I know all the English things I need to. But yeah, the majority of lessons and what not I understand. Church is a little harder though, because they dont speak with you, and you can't make them keep repeating the same thing:P
Our ward is good. We have a ton of amazing members. Everyone here loves the missionaries, it's really quite amusing. There are quite a few inactive members, which is really too bad. We do what we can to help them, but our purpose is firstly to help people come unto to Christ, and so majority of our time is finding.
In the morning we wake up run, eat, and study until 10:30. From 10:30 to 9 we proselyte. In between teaching appointments, an meal times we consistantly contact. So on our way places we'll pull our bikes over and talk with people. Luckily the majority of people ride scooters so it's a lot easier to contact them. Car's also sometimes roll down the window. We very rarely go tracting (door to door). and 90% of the people here are fojiao (buddhist) and don't want to learn more, and 9% are "already Christian, we are the same." With little interest in the restoration of Christ's church.
Then there is the 1%. The one percent come from all backrounds, and are willing to meet with wai4 guo2 ren2 (the numbers are the tones *Natalie*) (Outsiders) for whatever reason. Willing to at leat sign up. This 1% is what we spend 85% of our time on. Out of this 1% about 1/150 will end up meeting with us, read scriptures, pray, come to church, and then enter the sacred convenant of baptism. These 1/150, is what we try to spend 70% of our time on. We are always trying to help them, they are our life.
As of right now our 1/150 are the Bai family, Duan family, and Chen dixiong
Bai family- absolutely wonderful. The husband has to get out his smoking problem, and they'll be baptised on the 19th. (only bai dixiong, and his wife)
Duan Family - They're actually new. Only met the dad, and his two kids, but they're super willing, and also super busy. The nicest thing about them is that they are reliable, when they weren't able to make an appointment, they called and changed the time. (I know that might sound pretty basic manners, but majority of people just don't come)
Chen dixiong (dixiong means brother in Chinese) - Umm... we don't know with him. We don't really know here he came from, but he loves coming to church. He comes to Church every Sunday. We meet with him about everyday, just share a little principle, and go. He has a baptismal date for the 19th, but he smokes also, and doesn't know he needs to stop (in fact he offerred me a smoke...)
We don't know what exactly happened to our vietnemese friend... Other people come and go, but for right now, that's who we are focusing on.
No we actually do not make our own food. We eat oatmeal everyday for breakfast, but besides that we eat out for every meal. Food here, like little side in the wall places are super cheap. Almost everyday we get an all you can eat meal for about 50 kuai (less than 2 dollars) and everything here is just amazing. It's actually cheaper to by food out than make it at home.
Well yeah that's the boat I'm in, it's pretty much amazing. We work, we work, we work, and we love to work. And you know what you do when you don't want to work? You repent, and get to work. I love the work, I love the food, and man... I LOVE these people
-Elder Tate
-Tang Zhanglao

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Jared: Valentines Day Taiwan Style.

Hello family!
The only sign of Valentines Day here was a little balloon on the senior missionaries desk back at the mission office. We don't celebrate Valentines Day here, and well thats probably for the best. Don't want too many elders sitting at home eating chocolate reading dear John's. In fact we don't want any elders like that! (of course...)
It's been raining pretty consistantly here as well, and surprisingly enough, it's cold. It's probably like 50 degrees, which is nothing compared to the 0 back in Utah, but it's so humid here you're slightly cold no matter where you are. It's getting a lot better tho, weather wise :)
Have I told you that everything here in Taiwan in amazing? Because seriously it is. The food is to die for, and we normally get all you can eat rice meals, for 50 kuai. (i don't know how much that is in American, I'll leave you to figure that out :) Traffic here is really quite amusing. Everyone thinks that Asian drivers are really bad, when really they are quite impressive, I haven't seen things back at home that these people can pull off. They are super defensive, and they seem to know everything that's going on. I don't think I've seen any accidents, and everyone is just super friendly. They like to let you know that your behind them (just a little honk) and they always give a little honk just before running a red light. It's great :)
Today is "Power Cleaning Day" (much better than Valentines day if you ask me) and our appartment (sp?) looks amazing! (as expected of course) We also went over and helped out another couple of elders clean theirs (they helped with ours as well)
As for our investigators, they're all going swimmingly. I met a super prepared individual yesterday, and I'm excited to teach him more tonight.
Well the book is blue, the book is true. Lately I've been really thinking about the power of music, and how it really does have a dramatic effect. While in the MTC my companions and I sang in the choir, and that was really such a great experience, to be able to invite the spirit, and enjoy the gift of music. I really believe that music has a dramatic effect on our lives, and it wasn't until recently I've noticed how much of an impact is has on me specifivally. When we sing hymns, or listen to church music it really makes me uplifted and helps me think about the good things I'm currently doing, and things I'll do better. At other times I look back on my life and think about some of the other music I used to listen, and how that may have effected the rest of my day. I'm so greatful for my great access to uplifting music, and I encourage you all back to listen to the kind of music that invites the Spirit, and get rid of the music that invites pride and unrighteous doing. I love you all, and it's amazing to hear how amzing you all are, and I look forward to hearing more!
Wan an :)
-Elder Tate
-Tang zhanglao

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Jared's first letter from Taiwan

Well quite a bit has happened since I hung up the phone on tuesday, so I'll probably just go in chronological order hao bu hao? (natalie can translate)
So right after I hung up the phone I started talking with the lady that offered for me to use her cell phone ( when I couldn't get the other phone to work) and that was pretty exciting. It was a lot in Chinese, but she also had good english so it wasm't too hard. She agreed to let the missionaries to contact her (she lives in Taichung so who knows maybe I'll see her again!) and I got her info so that they can :)
Then I had a 14 hour plan ride to Taiwan, not super exciting, I st next to Missionaries, read through 3 Nephi (which is amazing, I highly recommend it.) and slept. When we got to Taiwan we met our Mission president, President Bishop, he was very nice, and we rode the bus back to some zone leaders house (conviently my zone leaders now.) The next morning we discovered that as part of the mission culture we all wake up at 6 (the norm is 6:30) and go running. It was way cool because we got to see more of the city :)
then we did a bunch of orientation stuff, for awhile, had some really good taiwanese food. So far I have eaten pork blood (jello style and rice soaked in pork blood style) and a duck head (in it's entirety) So far no problems with shrimp/crab, and seeing it has been pretty rare as well :)
Then after that things got pretty exciting, we did an activity called the "Dan Jones." We went to a super crowded night market (like super crowded, most place it is difficult to move) and stood in the middle and started by singing love at home(chinese of course). After that we took turns getting on soap boxes and bearing our testimonies, Dan Jones style. That we quite the trill, and afterwards we went contacting in the same market :)
The next day I met my Trainer, Elder Johnson, he's really amazing, he's been zone leader like 6 times, and he really knows what he's doing, it's quite nice, and after that we got straight to work.
I'm serving in the Taiping region of Taizhong, so it's still very crowded, huge city, but we also have some more suburbs areas. The thing about this area is that we're doing a thing called "white washing" which means we're the first missionaries assigned to this area. (it's a little more difficult to explain, but pretty much an area split in half, and we're the missionaries in the new region.)
As of right now we have one progressing investigator, he's pretty much amazing. Wen og doogk is his name, and he's actually Vietnemese. His English is poor at best, and he doesn't speak a lick of Chinese, but he still puts up with us. We merely give him passages from book of Mormon (we have a vietnemese one luckily) to read and we try and discuss it with him. He comes to church every week (Even though he understands nothing about what's going on) and loves it. We managed to teach him how to pray, and he reads and prays daily (or at least we hope so... it's a little difficult to be able to tell)
Umm besides that we contact people like crazy, and we met the ward yesterday. The Ward is ridiculously amazing. One brother came up to me and gave me a big hug, even though I've never met him. And another has a limit put on him for the number of times he can take missionaries out to dinner because he spends too much of his money treating missionaries out.
Today is Monday, most of the time will be spent trying to get more Vietnemese books, and buying stuff, and tonight we have quite a few appointments, and some of them seem really good so I'm excited :)
Right now I am typing this from a ghetto little internet cafe, and all around me are people playing games like Warcraft and such. It's quite lawls :)
Well I love it here! The people are amazing. It started raining last night, and riding around in the rain was actually really fun. I'm going to enjoy it here :)
The church is true, Joseph Smith was a prophet, and he really translated the Book of Mormon for us, and this is such a blessing to the world.

Yesterday I contacted a funny elderly man who asked me why none of the missionaries are French, and their all Americans.
Love you! :D

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jared 1/31

Hi family! Okay so I leave next Tuesday! Crazy Right?! I'm so excited! How long has it been? 3 months? I stopped keeping track, and now I just count down till I actually leave :D
We keep on hearing cool things from Taiwan. The latest thing is apparently they have spiders that a foot in diameter! Cool right? Freaks my companions out to no end, but I like the idea of hanging out with those, and eat "1000 year old eggs" supposedly way strange, but that's okay :)
So i've officially been here too long. I think I'm getting to the point that I feel like this is my mission, and I'll just never leave. And we speak so much Chinese sometimes it weirds me out when other people speak english. We were watching the Joseph Smith movie last night and I had 2 moments that made me realize I've been here way too long. The first was about half way through I thought to myself "Wow, why are they still speaking english." The second was there was a girl running (in her twenties or something) and I thought to my self "Oh know! she won't be able to see her companion!" Lawls right?
I should be sending a package home soon. It's not very exciting for you. It's merely a collection of all the letters I've gotten here, because I don't want to throw them away, and I don't want to carry them around. So if you could just put that with my box or something that'd be great :) There should also be a few more pictures for you to oggle at. :)
Hmmm.... I don't know what else you would have interest in. Everything is pretty much the same here... Oh yeah! brb
okay. SO I'll be leaving on February 8th 2011 :)
From 12:25 PM to 3:50PM I will be on layover in LAX. You may not come and visit me, however I will be giving you a call sometime during that time block. I am aware that the girls will most likely be in school, and you're all pretty busy, but I am permitted to give a small call so I'll do that :) Unless you have a time that you particularly want me to call during, I will try and call around 1:30? How does that sound? Well let me know.
Love you very much :) Thank you parents for reading the scriptures everyday. At the time I never really realized the blessings that came from it, but now I can see the effect of being able to gather every night and just read a page. I love the scriptures, I love this church, but most of all I love you <3
-Tang zhanglao
-Elder Tate :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jared 1-24

ni hao!
Do you all gather around and read my emails like we used to do? That was good fun. Sorry but you can't skype with me, especially not every Sunday :P But in about 2 weeks I'll be heading over to Taiwan! And I get to call you from the airport :) hmm... What else would you be interested to know... Our zone leaders are leaving next week, which is weird. Have I told you about them? They're brothers, from France, going back to France Chinese speaking. Weird right? Ummm we took a zone picture yesterday which was fun :)
It's kind of odd getting letters from back home from my friends. I love it like crazy, it's just weird to think that there is life outside the MTC. Mtc is way cool. We had a new sister join our district, and that's way cool because she speaks like perfect Chinese. (She lived in Taiwan for a couple years) and so it's cool that we can talk with her and practice with her and what not. It feels like just yesterday when I last emailed you. Kind of crazy. I often forget what I've already told you, and what I wrote to other people, so I apologize if I leave big things out (like you'd be able to tell) or keep telling you the same thing. Hey! speaking of saying the same thing, I'd really like to have my Chinese Chess board. It's magnectic and folded in half in my box of stuff. You're welcome to use my money to send it over :)
Thanks for all the letters this week. I don't really have time to respond to every single one, but I'll do my best to at least aknowledge everyone. I'm slightly confused by Nathan's letter. He said that he made it very clear that they aren't missionaries. And I just had some imagination of them breaking like every mission rule :P aha it sounds amazing down there tho :) I'm not quite sure why I'm emailing this to you, but i just assume that it will eventually get to him.
I get plenty of sleep here actually. from 10:30 sharp to 6:25 I sleep, and it's great amount. I am however, continually tired. I think it's because I've become incredibly lazy. So that'll be fun to go from never moving around to riding my bike everywhere I go, but it'll be exciting. When we first get to Taiwan we have an orientation for three days, I wonder what that's like. We stay at the Mission home, and supposedly don't have our stuff so that's exciting :)
Hey Natalie thank you so much for my Christmas card in chinese! All i got was a bunch of numbers and number signs (like 1284#1782, 129e#7129) but I still very much enjoyed it :P How is wu loashi anyways? I keep looking back at how aweful I was at chinese and laughing :P But she really did help me learn Characters, and I'm just more associated with the complexity and sbeauty of the language. I really do love it :)
Oh yeah it's a new year! What were your goals for this year?? I'm really curious to know :) I love goals. They are seriously amazing. I've become so goal oreinted it's amazing. Really helps you stay focused and keep your head on straight when you have a destination your working for :)
And thanks for the 6300 character letter. I didn't know there was a limit, and now not only do I know, but I know what it looks like! Thanks Miranda that was really great <3 I'm not sure if I got "your present" Miranda. Did they have names on them? Because I never really aknowledged what was from who, I just assumed they were all from Santa.
I've accepted that China most likely won't open up on my mission, and that's okay. I'm crazy excited to go to Taiwan and serve the people there :) and I think I'll just serve there when I'm older. Like a senior missionary, and my asian wife :P haha jk. That's not the important stuff.
So I had about 4 minutes left over of free time, so I thought you would enjoy the story of my first mentor:
This last week he was out tracking with his senuior companion in the boonies, and a pleasant seeming man let them in. As time went on, they had a feeling that they should leave, but unfortunately did not. One thing after another, my mentor broke his ankle jumping over a fence in flight from a man with a machette. I'm excited to go to Taiwan :D
So in closing I hope you know that I love you all very much. And I hope that you are all making the necessary steps to build your faith in Christ and in this beatuiful gospel. I love you, keep being amazing member missionaries :)
-Elder Tate

Monday, January 17, 2011

Jared 1-17

Happy Birthday Mom!
I'm sorry I can't really send you anything cool. MTC doesn't really have cool stuff, but do you want a CTR ring? one of the 50 cent ones? I guess I could get you something nicer, I have like 10 dollars on my little blue card (the debit card for the MTC) it's pretty awesome, I'm like the richest guy here. I have about 10 more dollars than both of my companions combined :P
This week was way cool. It feels luike yesterday when I last wrote you though. Every week goes faster than the one previous. It's pretty crazy how time works here. I have a feeling that when I get to Taiwan the timing will start over and be crazy slow the first couple days then start speeding up. I want to go to Taiwan soooo badly it's not even funny! I keep hearing all the cool stuff about it and it's amazing! They have the most amazing accent there, it's so cool sounding. (In Chinese they have a Taiwanese accent) Occasionally I practice it, when my teachers aren't around because I should be learning "proper" Chinese here. But I find it so fun to speak like they do.
So on Saturday we had our first baptism! Still the fake pilot program, but it was still way cool. It's so real here, even if it's just my teacher we still did everything, except the actual ordinance. And all our other fake investigators came, it was cool! It made me want to be in Taiwan even more though because then I'd be helping really people. I gave a little talk during the baptism (all in Chinese of course) and another yesterday during Church (again in Chinese). Fun fact ever since the older group of elders left I've done something every week during Sacrament meeting (Sacrament prayer, regular prayer, talk) it's really good practice, and I have a ton of talks written out now :)
Hmmm what else happened this week.... Oh yeah Elder Holland came for the devotional on Tuesday! And there were like 4 other general authorities as well (The MTC Mission presidency changed so we had tons of important people). It was such a great devotional. I don't think any of the other ones could compare to that devotional, it was so uplifting and encouraging. He talked about the difference between the old scripted elders and the new preach my gospel elders. We are to first convert ourselves, then convert others. He said a couple things that have really stuck with me. "Your investigators deserve a practiced missionary." So if I don't work my hardest, not only am I letting God, my mission president and my companion down, I'll also let my investigators down, and I have a feeling I am going to love the people more than anything else. He also taught about how this generation of missionaries has to be better than his generation and him. It's just kind of weird to think of anybody being better than president Holland so that's hard to imagine, but I guess it makes sense. They had memorized scripts in their days, and now we have to actually know more than just memorizing. It's a pretty exciting responsibility actually :)
Ummmmm I don't know exactly else you all want to hear from me. So you should really ask more questions. Chinese is really progressing. English is now the abnormal for talking, I'm really trying to use Chinese as much as possible, and it really makes a huge impact. It's amazing how much you can accomplish with God on your side :)
Thank you for all that you do for me family :) I love you soooooo much!
-Elder Tate
P.S. Would it be at all possible for me to get my Chinese chess board? I know it's a lot to ask for, find my box of stuff, locate the Chinese chess board, use my money to send it... It's a hassle I know. But I really want it for the plane ride to Taiwan. Please and thank you! :D (Hey Natalie and Miranda, it's quite possible that Mom and Dad space, so I'm really counting on you. If you do a good job I'll send you something cool from Taiwan :D) Haha Much love!

Monday, January 10, 2011

From Jared in the MTC

Hello family! I very much so enjoy the letters :)
This week has been especially cold. Like ridiculously cold. My thermals are miracle workers thought, because I could not even imagine trying survive without them. Our departure date keeps changing so it's pretty exciting :) I might end up going to taiwan on the 2nd!! that'd be crazy!

Umm, so this week was cold, I don't remember much else... Right now we have 6 fake investigators, which makes scheduling super crazy. With one of my fake investigators we're having a fake baptism on Saturday which is pretty exciting, and next week we should be having another. I already feel successful! hahaha. One of them, whenever we try to extend a commitment (like word of wisdom or anything) he just says, "you don't have to ask me!" it's really funny, I love teaching him, even if he isn't really an investigator and just my teacher.

This week we had a couple really cool firesides. Yesterday was particularly cool because it was all about investigators. And apparently the pilot program (the reason why i have fake investigators) will be fully implemented in August, which is really cool because it's definitely an inspired program. It's funny because we're one of rthe first so they keep trying new activities with us and what not. Twice last week we did activities and had most of the board managers and what not for the MTC watching us. Exciting right?

On Wednesday all the new elders for Chinese speakers came in! that was pretty exciting because it only happens once while we're here :P there are 2 more districts with the pilot program so we get to help them manage investigators. I already feel like a trainer... The only problem with the new influx of c hinese missionaries is that they all want to be like me, so the line for four square is ridiculous!

Oh hey! thank you so much for my shoes, I love them! they are so comfortable, so thank you very much :)

I assume you all just read these for family home evening like good old times, good for you. So my companions remind me a ton of my little sisters. They both are super amazing, love them to death and I learn so much from them. But one of them takes forever to do anything, and the other is always thinks he's right, even if he doesn’ t neccessarily (I dont know how to spell it get over it :P) always voice it. Love them to death tho :)

Yes Miranda we do have fast sunday here. We wake up at 6:30 still, and don't eat till 5:20, so it's definitely harder than before when I'd wake up at one and eat at 3 :P But that's the only time that we do fast here, unless for other reasons you want to. Like some fasted for family back home and what not.

I enjoy reading your letters family :) even if they are silly things, it just reminds me of home and i love it :) (yes Natalie I have a feeling that I'm officially becoming 'spiritually legit') lawls.

Haha gongxi (congrats) on seeing Bryn at the dance. Yeah she was pretty proud of her costume for that dance (so poud she told me about it, hahaha) and of course she's a good dancer, she dances.

Alrighty It's great to hear from you family, and whoever else is writing me, I love getting letters, and I wish I could respond write when I get them (but that would be ridiculously distracting)

"Prayer is the act by which the will of the Father and the will of the son come into correspondence." (Bible Dictionary definition of Prayer) It is not when the will of the two line up you start praying, nor the instance, but the continual act by which you are able to align your will with God's. So constantly be striving to align your will with God's and he will do what is best for you.

Feng Yesu Jidu de ming amen :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Jared and Nathan Meet Up

You will not guess what happened today! Actually you know what you probably can because Nathan probably already told you. But I went to the Temple cause today is my P-day and what not, and Nathan was there! We went and did a session together, it was so crazy that that happened. And it's Jeremy's birthday so my companions and I all got to wish him happy birthday. I didn't even think to sing it to him in Chinese! we know it... Oh wells, that was fun :) The temple has been closed for Christmas the last couple of weeks, so it was nice to go back again today.
Ummm, New Years was not at all a big deal here. We all ate a bunch of food and played chess (stupid American Chess :P) from 9:30 to 10:15, then we all toasted with home made martinellis, and were in bed by 10:30. Cool right? Hahaha
Everything else is way cool here. I love it here. It's way home, but I'm super excited to go to Taiwan. It'll be legendary. I've been using my chopsticks, and people seem pretty impressed that I actually know what I'm doing with my 18 pairs hahaha. Thank you so much :)
Everything here is amazing. Thank you so much for all the letters I have received from everyone, I really enjoy reading them, but unfortunately I dont really have the time right now (perhaps I will later but very doubtful) to respond to all of them. But I do very much so enjoy reading them so keep it up :)
Well the spiritual thought I really wanted to share with you comes from the Mormon Messages Channel. (Which are absolutely amazing, and I strongly encourage you watch all of them, because almost every Sunday we spend at least a half our watching them and they are so cool. You can access them on YouTube, or Mormon.org.) The one I suggest you watch is called "How do I love you." It's based off a talk by brother Holland (I believe, it's been a day which by MTC time is literally forever ago, so I'm not quite sure) And it's way cool. And it's really made me work harder to make sure that the people I know and love, Know, without a shadow of doubt that I love them. Make a concious effort to love the people you meet, and you can truly represent Christ.
I love you family <3
-Elder Tate
-Tang Zhanglao